After moving to Exeter in 2019, Louise struggled to settle and make new friends, resulting in a rise in her anxiety and depression as she lost her spark. Finding Back to Netball reintroduced the fun into her life as she found a supportive and empowering environment.
We all know the challenges that 2019-2020 brought the world with the Covid-19 pandemic, but for Louise this situation was heightened as the world went into lockdown just as she relocated for a new job, with no local family or friends and huge adjustments to her home life.
“I was struggling to meet people and start making friends when we were in and out of lockdown as hobbies and clubs were in a stop-start state for a long time. It was hugely challenging for me having normally previously been such a social and active person.”
Louise shares with us how because of this, she began to face new mental health difficulties, with higher levels of anxiety and depression and feeling like she had lost a part of herself on this part of her journey.
“Unfortunately, I started to get into a cycle of anxiety and depression where I lost a lot of confidence in myself including getting out and meeting people which led to me feeling very lonely. It had been 3 years since moving and I felt like I hadn’t moved forward at all in building my ‘new life’ in Devon.”
As lockdown restrictions eased and phased out for good, Louise shares that she began getting “some well-being support to help working on bringing ‘me back to me’.”
“I was just searching online and on Facebook for groups to join to start getting out of the house and meet people. I also needed to find something fun, social and active that was just for me and put it back into my week, as it seemed I’d been so used to not being able to do my fun things for so long that I’d almost forgotten what my fun was and what it felt like.”
“Anyway, I was browsing away on my phone, and I happened to see this Back to Netball advert, and I was immediately drawn in to find out more. I’ve always enjoyed being active and being with people so already it ticked a few boxes for me. The fact that it was all abilities welcome, for ladies of all ages, cheaper than a gym class and no commitment (pay as you book), I felt that I had nothing to lose. So I got in contact and booked my first session.”
Louise started her netball journey after attending her first Back to Netball session in Exeter, where she felt that “Everyone was super friendly and seemed to be ‘in the same boat’ which was reassuring!”
“As soon as I walked in I immediately felt less lonely and was so welcomed by everyone, including the coach. It was a bit of exercise, a lot of fun with no pressure about knowing the rules during match play. I loved that you could go at your own pace and that it was a very supportive environment.”
“We all even clap/celebrate when anyone scores regardless of which team you are part off. It seemed empowering for everyone which was brilliant and just what I needed.”
Since starting her netball journey with the help of Back to Netball, Louise has noticed some big improvements on her life as a whole.
“I’m still on my well-being journey but Back to Netball has been hugely uplifting for me and I’ve managed to meet some great new friends.”
“It’s something that I look forward to every week and it gives a nice mindful break from some of life’s challenges. Apart from the fun, active and social side it also refreshes, resets and grounds me week to week. It’s something that still ticks so many of my ‘well-being boxes’ and I love it.”
Thinking about joining a Back to Netball session near you? Here’s what Louise would say to you!
“You literally have nothing to lose by giving Back to Netball a go. No commitment, no judgement, all abilities welcome and most importantly, all for fun with the added benefit of a bit of exercise! What more could you ask for?”
Find a local session using our session finder here and start your netball journey.
Interested in more well-being and active lifestyle advice? Head to our NETBALLHer website for more articles and resources.