In order to raise membership orders that can be sent directly by email to selected players, please follow these steps:
1. Log into ENgage
2. In the My Organisations box, select the thumbnail next to your organisation
3. Click on the 3×3 grid of squares in the top left corner
4. Select the People tile, followed by Everyone in the menu to the left of the screen
5. Click on the circle to the left of the name of the individual that you wish to raise a membership order for
Please note: If you would like to raise membership orders for more than one person at a time, you can do this by selecting multiple individuals that are all eligible for the same category of membership i.e. all selected players are aged 11 years and under on 1 September (to be eligible for the Under 11 membership scheme), or 14 years and under (to be eligible for the Under 14 membership scheme), or 18 years and under (to be eligible for the Under 18 membership scheme) or 19 years and over (to be eligible for the Over 18 membership scheme).
6. Select More
7. Click Buy Membership
8. Select the membership scheme required (ensuring you select the correct season)
9.Click Add to Basket
10. Followed by Basket
11. Followed by Checkout
12. Ensure all Emergency Contact and Medical Info has been answered
13. Select Pay Later
14. Click Yes when asked if you would like to send a payment request email. These emails will be pre-populated but can be edited. Please do not remove or edit the following sections:
15. Dear {{FirstName}} {{LastName}},
16. You can pay online using our payment portal
17. Finally, click Send
18. Orders have now been raised for this individual (or group of individuals). Players can now pay for their membership by clicking on the link in your email, or by logging into ENgage and clicking on the Pending Membership button against your club in their My Organisations box within their profile.