Committee Role Requirements & Additional ENgage Access

If you have any queries surrounding committee roles on ENgage, our FAQs will give you all the answers. You can find out which roles open up access to certain areas on ENgage, how to allocate individuals to roles plus much more!

You can find out how to update committee roles here. You can find out more about the various roles and access levels here.

You can find out how to allocate people to committee roles here. You can find out more about the various roles and access levels, here.

Please note, ENgage functionality is designed for use on computer and laptop devices only. Therefore, please refrain from using ENgage on a mobile phone or tablet device.

If you assign a role to someone else on ENgage, it will automatically remove the role from the predecessor. You can find out how to edit an assigned role here.

If the role is not being filled by another individual and you wish to remove the current post holder, you will need to follow these instructions:

  • Log in to ENgage
  • In the ‘My Organisations’ box, select the thumbnail next to your league’s name
  • Select ‘People’
  • Click ‘Everyone’
  • Double click on the post-holders name
  • Select ‘Roles’ from the left-hand side menu
  • Select the circle next to the particular role
  • Click the ‘Delete’ button

Please note, ENgage functionality is designed for use on computer and laptop devices only. Therefore, please refrain from using ENgage on a mobile phone or tablet device.

Each committee role has access to view and edit the sections of the system that is required by the post holder, governed by the role. You can find out more about league roles and access levels here.

Each ENgage league directory is required to have the following 6 Committee roles allocated, as a minimum:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Safeguarding Ofice
  • Data Protection Lead
  • Disciplinary Officer
  • Lead COVID officer

For clarity, please use the below QuizTool.

You can view ENgage in various ‘contexts’, enabling you to switch between the various organisations that your account is linked to. To do this, you need to change the ‘context’ you are viewing ENgage in. For example, from the context of a registered user of England Netball, to the context of a Club Secretary of Fruityloops Netball Club, to the context of a Treasurer of Leicestershire County Netball Association.

To change the context, please follow these simple instructions:

  • Log in to ENgage
  • In the ‘My Organisations’ box, select the thumbnail next to your organization’s name

The sections that you hold access to with the particular organisation will appear

Please note, ENgage functionality is designed for use on computer and laptop devices only. Therefore, please refrain from using ENgage on a mobile phone or tablet device.

You can check what roles you have been allocated, by following these simple instructions:

  • Log in to ENgage
  • In the ‘My Organisations’ box, select the thumbnail next to ‘England Netball’
  • Click the ‘Personal Details’ button
  • Select ‘Roles’ from the menu on the left hand side of your screen

All of your allocated roles across all your organisations, will be displayed.

Please note, ENgage functionality is designed for use on computer and laptop devices only. Therefore, please refrain from using ENgage on a mobile phone or tablet device.

This depends on how they engage in the sport. Individuals that are situated on the court need the Full membership, whereas non-physical volunteers (those that hold a purely administrative role) will only require the Social & Supporting membership.

An individual that has at least one golden role on ENgage, can re-assign your role to you. For guidance on allocating an unassigned role, click here for guidance on editing an existing role, click here.

Please note, ENgage functionality is designed for use on computer and laptop devices only. Therefore, please refrain from using ENgage on a mobile phone or tablet device.

This is a measure that has been put in place to support GDPR compliance. Each committee role has access to view and edit the areas of the system that is required by the post holder, governed by the role. You can find out more about league roles and access levels here.

You can find out how to update committee roles here. You can find out more about the various roles and access levels here.

This depends on how they engage in the sport.

If they are a committee member that isn’t situated on the court or just an avid fan, the Social & Supporting membership is perfect to give them off-court experiences. Our Social & Supporting membership perks can be viewed by clicking here.

If they consider themselves to be a player, a coach or an umpire, they will need a full membership that will give them access to on-court and off-court experiences, including access to our huge range of leagues and comprehensive personal accident insurance. The perks can be explored by clicking here.

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