Guidance for holding virtual meetings

Two women playing netball

COVID-19 has not only stopped netball on the court but it has also created some other challenges for counties, regions clubs and league. Social distancing means traditional meetings at this time are not an option. You therefore may need to consider the best approach for your organisation in these times and this page provides you with some information and guidance to help you with these decisions.

Please note that any AGM should be run in accordance with your constitution and you will need to refer to this to identify any parameters you are required to operate within. The options that you may be able to consider are the following:

  1. Delay/Postpone the AGM – if timescales relating to decisions to be made during the meeting and the constitution permits
  2. Run the AGM virtually – if permitted in your constitution

A number of organisations have produced guidance on holding virtual AGMs. The “Club Matters – Running virtual meetings (incl. AGMs) effectively” guidance is transferable for many netball organisations and is a useful tool to help you consider the best approach for your organisation

What will stay the same in relation to AGMs?

  • Notice period – the amount of notice you are required to give informing members of an AGM (defined in Constitution) and how to join the meeting
  • Quorum – Number of members that need to be present for meeting to be valid also known as quorum
  • Purpose – the type of information to be reviewed at the AGM (although items that are not time sensitive could be deferred to a subsequent meeting if felt appropriate)
  • Procedure – the procedure for voting or electing new board members (although delivery of this might differ)

What may be delivered differently?

With social distancing government guidelines in place and if the netball committee you support have determined (based on the constitution) the AGM still needs to go ahead, you will need to review different platforms to deliver your AGM to decide on what would work for you.

The below provides a list of examples where organisations have delivered a virtual AGM or information on other platforms that might be worth exploring.

Technology does not always run smoothly so it is recommended that you test out your preferred option before using it for an AGM, maybe use it for a committee meeting first. Make sure you are comfortable and familiar with all the functionality you will require during the AGM and that you have thought through how you will handle each part of the agenda.

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