When the Vitality Roses step out on court for the Vitality Roses Reunited Series, they’ll once again have the names of people who have inspired and helped them to get to where they are today printed on the front of their dresses.
The initiative, created by Vitality, celebrates the individuals who have had a significant impact on the athletes’ journey to the top.
From teachers who sparked a love of the game to coaches who supported the players to reach the next level and parents who dedicated evenings and weekends to driving all over the country for training and matches, each player has selected one or two special people to celebrate.
Funmi Fadoju, who has received her first senior call-up to the Vitality Roses, has taken this opportunity to pay thanks to her mum Mabel.
She said: “My mum is the one who inspired me as she’s the one who motivates me and encourages me to train harder and reach higher goals in my netball career. She’s my number one fan who’s always by my side supporting me.”
Wing defence/centre Imogen Allison has also nominated her mum Teresa: “She did everything to ensure my brother and I were where we needed to be to achieve whatever we wanted!
“Driving me to training, buying me kit, making sure I could arrive at training and matches ready to put in all I had!
“As a single parent I know it was hard for her so I’m always grateful for everything she’s done to get me to where I am now!”
Stacey Francis-Bayman has chosen to honor England Netball Hall of Fame inductee Sheila Perks MBE.
She said: “Sheila saw a drive and determination in me, greater than my then skill level when I started my netball journey and joined her club at 14 years old.
“She was the master of creating training sessions and opportunities that challenged me and made me strive for bigger and better things.
“Sheila encouraged me to learn to play all three defensive positions, which is to this day one of my greatest strengths.”
Other Vitality Roses’ inspirational people:
Beth Cobden – Patricia Cobden (mum)
Helen Housby – Sidney Housby (dad)
Eleanor Cardwell – Michelle Cardwell (mum)
Sophie Drakeford-Lewis – Suzanne Drakeford-Lewis (mum)
George Fisher – Tracey Fisher (mum)
Joanne Harten – Carol Bull & Jean Cant (coaches)
Serena Guthrie – Heather Guthrie (mum)
Fran Williams – Helen Williams (mum)
Imogen Allison – Teresa Allison (mum)
Jade Clarke – Mike Greenwood (coach)
Layla Guscoth – Caroline Key (PE teacher)
Natalie Haythornthwaite – Paula Haythornthwaite (mum)
Laura Malcolm – Mark Malcolm (dad)
Jade Clarke – Mike Greenwood (coach)
To book tickets to see the Vitality Roses Reunited Series in Nottingham, click here.
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For more information about our title partner Vitality, click here.