I coach U14s /U12s club, County Academy and Club learning disability netball.
2. What are the challenges with this age/group?
For U12s/U14s it is about keeping it fun but to also make sure they work hard to increase fitness levels (without them realising) as I find the girls that start netball appear to lack a base line fitness. For disability netball it is about keeping the session light hearted with not too many restrictions around the game as this causes great frustration.
3. Tell us about your coaching journey?
Started Northants JMs club on 2006 and we needed coaches to begin a junior section, so got my level 1 as a matter of course and then soon realised I loved coaching and wanted to get my level 2 asap. After a couple of years coaching U14s club team to nationals and at county satellite and academy I soon realised that performance netball is my passion. I have also obtained personal training level 3 fitness instructor qualification with circuit & core training as well. I have gone to many workshops locally in performance sport with psychology , strength and conditioning etc. I have also completed the level 3 course with a view of obtaining my qualification on 2016.
4. Any lightbulb/memorable moment in your coaching career so far?
Getting the phone call that one of your players has made the England junior squad is quite memorable moment, as you have watched them from the beginning getting to achieve their dream.
5. What are your aspirations as a coach?
I would love to progress to regional and or franchise level and get exposure working with athletes at this level.
6. How do you wind down after a tense training session or match?
I tend to go home and watch about an hour of tacky TV like Kardashians or something. Or I read a crime thriller book.
7. What advice would you give to people starting out on their coaching journey?
It is constantly ever changing place and sometimes overwhelming, but you need to be open to change and new ideas and you get so much out of it.
8. Who’s your coaching inspiration/idol?
I am a massive Man Utd fan but I am an even bigger Alex ferguson fan. I have watched every documentary and book about his coaching fundamentals. His beliefs and backbone of coaching/player management closely mirrors my own views.
9. Favourite Post-coaching Snack?
I tend to grab a soya latte with sugar free caramel (if it is available).
10. What is your top tip to share with other coaches?
Keep one step ahead of your players and earn their respect.