I’m an adult player

Women running


Netball should be fun, safe, and include everyone.

We want you to enjoy playing netball. We want you to feel safe and to have fun. Everyone at the club should make you feel safe, and if something bad happens, they should support you. There is more information below to help you.


To help you play the best netball you can, it is important that all your coaches receive training and have safeguarding checks.

The club will also train volunteers and conduct safeguarding checks. Your club should have a Safeguarding or Welfare Officer and rules in place to make sure you are safe. You could consider volunteering in netball yourself – more info here: England Netball | Volunteering

Listening – the best clubs want to hear about what you like or don’t like. They might ask you what needs changing. Everyone’s ideas should be respected. Clubs should want people of all abilities to take part. If you need to speak to someone because you are unhappy, worried or have a complaint, you should be taken seriously.

Safety – England Netball has rules which help us all provide the best netball experience possible. These are called Safeguarding Adults at Risk in Netball Policy, Reporting Procedure and other Guidance. You can see these documents here: England Netball | Safeguarding Policies and Guidance


Training sessions – your coach should ask if you have any injuries before you start. They should include everyone. It should be a supportive team? Your team and coach want you to improve. Playing netball should make you feel good and everyone should have a chance?

Environment – You should be free to speak out if someone does something bad (even if it is the coach). It should feel ok to tell someone if you are not happy or worried about something.

Some clues that things aren’t right – people are allowed to use banter that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you make a mistake, other players or the coach are angry or shout at you. People are mean to you. The club or coach puts too much pressure on you to be perfect. They are always pushing you about your exercise, diet or weight. The coach is like a ‘god’ – people are afraid to say anything to them.


Behaviour – they should give clear messages on how they expect everyone to behave. This might be called the Code of Conduct.

Respect for the rules – netball has rules and so does our club. These are in place to keep you safe.

Respect for each other – you should treat everyone with respect. That includes umpires, coaches, other volunteers and other players.


1) Don’t keep it to yourself

There are lots of people you can speak to if you are worried about bullying, abuse or your mental health. You can talk about this if it happens at home, in netball or anywhere. If you don’t feel safe or someone has done something bad, during netball, you should tell someone. You could tell someone you trust. You should do this even if it is a coach or important person at your club.

Your CLUB SAFEGUARDING or WELFARE OFFICER will listen to you and know what to do and how to help. Sometimes they may have to tell someone else what you have said, but they will only tell someone whose job it is to keep you safe.

You can also talk to someone at England Netball, by calling 01509 277911  or email: besafe@englandnetball.co.uk.

Or call Police or Social Services.

2) Seek advice.

If you want to read more – please visit our Safeguarding for Clubs page  or Policies and Guidance page

Or for more general guidance and advice on bullying, online safety or mental health visit these useful websites:

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