Netball should be fun, safe, and include everyone.
Your coaches should all be appropriately skilled and have had DBS checks to help you play the best netball you can.
Also, the club ensures that volunteers working have been trained and DBS checked. Your club should have a Safeguarding or Welfare Officer and policies in place to make sure you are safe. You could consider volunteering in netball yourself – more info here: England Netball | Young Volunteers
Listening – the best clubs engage with you as much as possible and want to hear about what you like/don’t like about the club and what you think needs changing. Everyone’s views should be respected. Clubs should encourage people from all backgrounds to take part. If you are unhappy, worried, or have a complaint and need to speak to someone, they should take you seriously
Safety – England Netball has a Safeguarding Children and Young People in Netball Policy, a Reporting Procedure and other Guidance, which helps us all provide the best netball experience possible. You can see these documents here: England Netball | Safeguarding Policies and Guidance
Training sessions – does your coach ask if you have any injuries before you start? Is everyone included? Does it feel like a supportive team? Are you encouraged to improve without being punished or ridiculed? Are successes celebrated? Does everyone have a chance?
Environment – are you encouraged to speak out if someone does something bad (even if it is the coach)? Does it feel ok to tell someone if you are not happy or worried about something?
When it could be safer – people don’t challenge banter that makes someone feel uncomfortable. If you make a mistake, the other players or (worse) the coach is angry or shouts at you. The club or coach put too much pressure on you to be perfect – always pushing you about your exercise, diet or weight? The coach is like a ‘god’ – people are afraid to challenge how they do things in case they don’t get on the team or other players pick on you.
Behaviour – they should give clear messages on how they expect everyone to behave, this may in a Code of Conduct.
Respect for the rules – netball has rules and so does our club. These are in place to keep you safe.
Respect for each other – you should treat umpires, coaches, other volunteers and other players with respect.
1) Don’t keep it to yourself
There are a number of people you can speak to if you are worried about bullying, abuse or your mental health – whether it is happening at home, in netball or anywhere else. You should tell your parent/carer or other trusted adult if you feel badly treated during netball, whoever is responsible.
Your CLUB SAFEGUARDING or WELFARE OFFICER (or someone else you feel comfortable with) will believe you and know what to do and how to help. Sometimes they may have to share the information you tell them with a professional in order to keep you safe, but they will keep it CONFIDENTIAL.
You can also talk to someone at England Netball, by calling 01509 277911 or email: besafe@englandnetball.co.uk.
Or call Childline on 0800 1111, Police or Children’s Services.
2) Seek advice.
If you want to read more – please visit our Safeguarding for Clubs page or Policies and Guidance page
Or for advice on bullying, online safety or mental health visit these useful websites:
- Home – NetballHer : for bras, puberty, nutrition and other aspects of women’s and girls’ health
- Spot Support Signpost (youtube.com) short video on spotting the signs of mental ill-health and offering support
- ChildLine
- YoungMinds
- Anti Bullying Alliance
- NHS Youth Mental Health
- What to do if you are worried Child Protection in Sport Unit (NSPCC)
- Gendered Intelligence Information on transgender issues
- Samaritans
- ThinkUKnow Preventing online sexual abuse
- Papyrus Preventing young suicide
- Shout Suicide Prevention text service.
- Childnet – for 4-11 year olds Help & advice | Childnet for 11-18 year olds Help & advice | Childnet
- Keeping children safe online | NSPCC NSPCC online safety advice