We’re switching on the spotlight and turning it towards our fantastic Goalden Globe Awards nominees this week to celebrate the build up to this glittering event!
This Netball Volunteer Month we want to hear from all of you and find out just how much amazing work you do – and what better way than to start with showcasing these incredible nominees?!
The 2016 categories include:
• Grassroots Coach Award
• Grassroots Officials Award
• Young Volunteer Award
• Outstanding Netball Club Award
• Inclusive Award
• Netball Teachers Award
• Unsung Hero Award
• Mary Bulloch Administrator Award
• Muriel McNally Award
• Rose Award
Next up it’s the turn of the Grassroots Officials Award – read below to hear all the wonderful work these volunteers do for our sport:
Grassroots Officials Award
Claire Ludden–Vincent
Claire supports many umpiring practices in both junior and senior leagues. She always makes time for umpires who want her help, she is a real role model to new and existing umpires.
Michelle Ray
Michelle exhibits a great passion for officiating at any level and helps a huge number of emerging officials to progress. She is also training to become a tutor.
Pam Hirlam
Pam has worked hard to support umpires to complete their C award, which has result in 10 passes and 13 learners accessing mentoring from the region. She is well respected across Yorkshire and has introduced some innovative initiatives to help umpires.
Zena Johnston
Zena is works tirelessly to raise the standards of officiating and moral of young and inexperienced umpires. She identifies C award umpires and looks to widen their umpiring experiences – this has seen six new umpires from across the West Midlands join the Regional League.
Maureen Lee
Maureen umpires at Grassroots level several times a week, she is highly qualified and has umpired at International Level. She is a passionate mentor and is always happy to share her knowledge and experience with others.
Hannah Drewett
Hannah is a great ambassador for umpiring on the Isle of Man. She is knowledgeable and approachable, always looking to encourage youngsters to take up officiating.
Tracy Stubbs
Tracy help out in so many ways, she supports Universities, schools and also is also part of Team Poppy. She has been instrumental in improving safety of facilities for all participants, while always encouraging people to take up and progress their umpiring.
Joan Corcoran
Joan has been volunteering as an umpire for ten years and is a B award umpire, she is known for going above and beyond, she umpires in a variety of settings including HE, FE, Regional League and local clubs.
Sarah Weston
Sarah has an abundance of energy and ideas and works tirelessly to introduce and update systems which improve umpiring standards within Avon.
Congratulations to all of these volunteers for their respective nominations – our sport wouldn’t be able to operate without stars like you!
Keep a look-out in the build up to this national awards evening as we share with you the categories and their nominees.
Dont forget!! We want to hear from you and all you do for netball this Netball Volunteer Month…
Take a look at our NEW Volunteer Profiles section of the website where we’re gathering stories from as many of you fabulous volunteers as we can.
We want YOUR volunteer profiles – take a look and let us know your answers to the profile questions!
Email us your answers to volunteering@englandnetball.co.uk and we will share your stories far and wide!