We are currently in stage 2 of the Roadmap and we recognise that some clubs are starting to enhance their delivery of stage 2, netball fitness based activity with more of your members joining a session in socially distanced groups of 6. If you are running any netball fitness based activity you must ensure ALL activity is in line with Government guidance and England Netball stage 2 guidance. You should ensure the following is in place for your club or team. We’ve included supporting documentation were appropriate.
What is required | Supporting documentation | A bit more information |
Familiarise yourself and adhere to England Netball stage 2 guidance | Stage 2 guidance
More information here |
This guidance explains what is possible during this time. It should be read in conjunction with the FAQ’s here |
Complete a Risk Assessment that considers COVID-19 | England Netball Risk Assessment template | This Risk assessment should be used to ensure any Stage 2 netball fitness based activity delivered by your club is considerate of all risks, including COVID-19. All stage 2 netball fitness activity should be in line with England Netball and UK Government guidance |
Ensure participants are not displaying COVID-19 symptoms | Health screening checklist | It is important that everyone consciously checks they are not displaying symptoms and all clubs/teams MUST check this with every attendee BEFORE they join netball fitness activity |
Support Test and Trace | Test & Trace Protocol | This should be implemented in line with Government/NHS test and trace scheme. This will help reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading through netball activity |
Appoint a COVID-19 Officer | COVID-19 Officer Role Description | Every club, team, league, county and region will be required to have a COVID-19 Officer who will continually monitor how compliance is being observed within their netball environment. There will be support available for this critical network. This role description should be used. |
Be aware of those who may be of higher risk | Personal Risk Assessment | Some members may be higher risk to contract COVID-19. Clubs/teams should make sure they and members are aware of this and understand that those who are higher risk may not attend sessions. Participants should follow the advice of their GP or medical professional. |
Ensure membership of England Netball | Link to membership web pages | Through membership your club has access to the comprehensive programme of insurance. As a minimum Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Safeguarding Officer, Data Protection Lead and COVID-19 Officer should become members as well as all your players. Membership renewals open on 3rd August |
Ensure venue is suitable | See page 2 of Stage 2 guidance | It is important to ensure that the venue you are using is suitable and how you use it considers the Government and England Netball guidance for COVID-19 |
Ensure any data is managed appropriately | Resources and guides | It is important that any data of members and any non-members e.g. parents is handled appropriately and in line with GDPR. |
Ensure you review your policies and terms & conditions and make any amendments required | It is important that any policies or procedures your club has are reviewed in light of COVID-19. | |
Clearly communicate with members as well as coaches and committee | It is important that you clearly communicate with any members so that they are prepared and comply with Government, England Netball and any venue guidance. |