Club Start of Season Support

The 2023-2024 membership season is here 

Designed for established clubs running training activity and taking part in competition

Club Start of Season Checklist

This checklist is designed to help you feel confident in your preparations for the new season. It helps you check the essentials are in place to ensure there is a duty of care for you and your members. We’ve included a P next to the highest priority actions and the links provide further support and information if these are areas you are still working on.

Printer Icon Printable Club Start of Season Checklist

We are learning with you so please do let us know what you think of this support by completing this short survey.



Pre-Season Check Priority Action? Further information or Support
Have your ‘Golden committee role’ volunteers been allocated the correct committee role in Engage and have an active 2023-2024 membership? *There should be at least three different people on your committee with the club secretary and club treasurer being different people P
Have you provided the club postcode in Engage so your club appears on the EN club finder and your members can link to the club? P
Are your coaches appropriately qualified and have you checked they have an active 2023-2024 membership? P
Are your officials appropriately qualified for the level of competition they are officiating, and have you checked they have an active 2023-2024 membership? P
Do all your players have an active 2023-2024 membership? P

Does your club pay individual employees £118 or more per week?

Have you considered the protection and sharing of personal data?


Have dates been shared for your committee to have regular meetings where records of decisions made and actions to take are made?
Does your club safeguarding officer hold no other position within the club to avoid any conflicts of interest? P
  • Best practice is for Head Coach or Club Chair to not be the Club Safeguarding Officer
Is your club safeguarding officer appropriately qualified, have a current DBS and visible to all club members*? *As a minimum they should be clearly identified on all communications with players and parents P
Are your club coaches appropriately trained in safeguarding and first aid? P
Does everyone who needs a DBS have a current DBS? P

You can work out who needs a DBS using this flow chart

Do you manage the risk of accidents or injury within your club environment?

Pre-season club risk management should include risk assessing:

  • The space
  • Safeguarding
  • The condition of players/officials to reduce likelihood of injuries
  • First aid provision

Have you completed a risk assessment of the space and site visit before regular netball activity commences?

Do you have emergency procedures for dealing with serious injuries/accidents?

You may consider having multiple volunteers supporting the club’s risk management planning, culture and review

Have you got a risk assessment checklist that coaches/officials can use during the season before any netball activity starts?

Are appropriately qualified first aiders identified and present during the season at the club’s netball activity?

Facility and Equipment for delivery of netball activity
Do you have a suitable venue/(s) to run your netball activity and do you have a copy of their venue’s risk assessment? P If not, have you made your Netball Development Officer aware of facility challenges?
Do you have appropriate equipment to run your netball activity? Balls, bibs, first aid kits etc
Club Communications
Is everyone clear on what is going on, when, where and the costs involved? P
Are your members aware of the club’s and/or competition’s Code of Conduct? P For reference England Netball Codes of Conduct including templates
Do you have a plan to send out regular communication to members to keep them informed about key club updates and provide opportunities to feedback what’s working well or share ideas of what could be even better? This could be via a group organising App such as Spond or via whatsapp or email

Thank you to you and every club volunteer who continues to invest significant time, effort and energy to ensure netball activity can continue and that netball is a sport we can all be proud to be part of.

There is lots of support available to help you with pre-season.

Here’s who can help?
Your local netball development officer (NDO), is here to help and signpost. Not sure who your NDO is or how to contact them- Regional Contacts
Your county and/or regional netball association Unsure what they offer and how to contact them your NDO can help
Your local Sports Partnership Your NDO can help you if you are unsure
If you provide U18 netball activity, do you have connections with local schools?

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