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How should we use the Roses Development Framework?

How should we use the Roses Development Framework?

The Roses Development Framework encourages you to place the individual at the centre of the developmental journey. It is important to acknowledge that athletes may pass through stages at different ages, with development being highly individual regarding its timing and rate.

The Framework does not intend to prescribe a single method of athlete development and we recognise there is no single path to elite level success. Instead, it outlines the environments, experiences and principles of talent development that are likely to nurture and support the development of high potential individuals. The guidance provided encourages an aligned approach, informed by the long-term ambitions of the Roses, whilst allowing coaches and support providers to adapt based on their own unique circumstances.

The Framework identifies four key pillars capturing the technical, tactical, physical, and psychological skills and abilities required. While they are presented in isolation at times, these pillars do not operate independently. We strongly encourage the adoption of a holistic and balanced approach to talent development, developing well-rounded people and athletes, equipped for both life and sport.

Finally, the Framework provides guidance in relation to the individual’s age and stage of development. The timing and tempo of physical, cognitive, and emotional development is highly individual and can vary greatly between individuals of the same chronological age. The Framework aims to shine a light on these developmental characteristics and support the individualisation of development, training and competition programmes.

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